Yang Jingsui

Published:September 6, 2017 Access Times:

Yang Jingsui, research fellow

Telephone: 010-68997804

Email: yangjsui@163.com;

Main research fields: Ph. D. in geology, University of Dalhousie, Canada, director of the Rock Specialized Committee, China Society of Geology, member of Geological Society of American and the American Mineralogical Society. He has long engaged in the study of petrology and tectonics, focusing on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau terrane boundary and orogenic belt, ophiolite chromite and deep mantle minerals. The International Centre for Mantle Research (CARMA) under his leadership has recently undertaken the IGCP649 international geoscience program, which intends to develop a comparative study of minerals from different ophiolites, chromite and deep mantle in the world. With research results, he has won national natural science awards and other national, provincial and ministerial awards.