Wan Yusheng

Published:September 6, 2017 Access Times:


Wan Yusheng, research fellow

Telephone: 010-68999762

Email: wanyusheng@bjshrimp.cn

Main research fields: Zircon genesis and SHRIMP geochronology, isotopic geochemistry, and early precambrian. Working at Beijing Ion Microprobe Center, the main research area is North China craton. He has won multiple prizes like the first class of scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Land and Resources. There are more than 260 papers and 4 monographs published, among which 31 ones are of the first author and correspondent, and the international SCI thesis. SCI cited 6281 times, H-index for 42, shortlisted into the Elsevier China high cited list of scholars for three consecutive years in 2014-2016.